Gowa’s relevance to your business today
McLuhan, in his best-selling book titled, “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man”, published in 1962, foretold the networked, compressed ‘Global Village’ that would emerge in the late-twentieth and twenty-first centuries — despite having been written when black-and-white television was one of the world’s coolest inventions.
It suffices to say that McLuhan’s book is more relevant today than it was 55 years ago. Thanks to the invention of the internet (a global system of networked and interconnected computers), the world, as we know it, has indeed become a Global Village.
But what does that even mean? I used to ask myself this same question when I first heard about the Global Village oracle.
What McLuhan meant was that with the growth of the internet, the physical distances between us would gradually become less of a hindrance to the real-time communicative activities among us.
We are all gathering in this so called Global Village, and we are becoming increasingly intra and interconnected to each other. Communicating is now just a mouse-click (or a link) away, and the speed at which it’s happening is simply astonishing. It doesn’t matter anymore in which corner of earth you are hiding. As long as you are connected to the internet, the message will reach you, in a matter of seconds.
The internet has extensively revolutionized the world of communication and greatly improved the ease with which people can search for information and interact with others who share the same ideals, interests, and concerns. It’s like magic!
Now let’s transfer McLuhan’s Global Village concept to the modern corporate world.
Imagine your business in McLuhan’s village?
In the corporate world, information and effective communication are at the core of business growth and success.
Companies, organizations, and institutions are constantly looking for better, more efficient and cost-effective ways to reach out to their customers. The customers are in-turn expecting that service providers and product manufacturers will make all the necessary information available and easily accessible for their consumption.
What if I told you that the best means to deliver that important message or pass that crucial information to the modern customer is through the internet, and not the newspaper, magazine, radio, or TV? You may or may not agree with me, and that is perfectly fine. But let me just expound my point a little further.
Yes, the good old newspaper, radio, and TV and even the postal services have not died yet, except these traditional modes and means of communication are no longer as efficient and cost-effective as they used to be a few decades ago. Times have changed, and change (as Benjamin Disraeli, a legendary British statesman and novelist already told us) is inevitable.
More and more people, businesses, organizations, not to forget government institutions are migrating to the digital platform. All you need is a phone, an ipad, or a computer (desktop or laptop) connected to the internet and you are good to roll. If McLuhan was still alive today, he would have probably predicted that in the next decade, communication in the business world is going to be “mostly digital”.
So where does the Global Online Writing Agency (Gowa) chip in?
Propelling the next revolution
As the name suggests, Gowa is an online-based corporate communication outsourcing services provider. Communication in this context entails writing, rewriting, editing, proofreading, formatting, branding, marketing, and everything else that pertains to effective corporate communication.
Our job at Gowa is to expunge stress out of your work-life by doing all the shouting, liking, tweeting, trending, and talking on digital platforms such as social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.), blogs, and websites.
Also, we provide you with authentic writing, rewriting, editing, and proofreading of business emails, letters, reports, plans, and proposals, among others, to keep customers flocking to your shop.
Additionally, we pride ourselves as the real gurus in designing (or redesigning) of websites, blogs, letterheads, business cards, flyers, brochures, newsletters, and everything else that can help your brand turn into a household name.
Once you consider us for the job, we presume that your only remaining job will be to collect paychecks from clients, receive recognitions and accolades for quality service delivery, and watch as your business break the metaphoric glass ceiling.
For a closer scrutiny into what we do, please visit our services page here: http://gowalimited.wixsite.com/gowa/services